


日期:2020-08-11 点击数: 来源:
姓名: 高雪峰
职称: 副教授
最高学位: 博士
研究方向: 蛋白质的三维结构模拟;基于靶点的药物筛选;分子的跨膜吸收机理;分子对接(包括小分子对蛋白、核酸,蛋白质对蛋白质等);药物前体的合理设计和改造;酶催化机制的精细过程的研究(QM/MM)。
教育经历: 1995年9月-1999年7月 888集团网址生命科学院生物化学专业(本科)
1999年8月-2000年8月 东北农业大学生命科学院(任教)
2000年9月-2005年6月 888集团网址理论化学研究所计算化学国家重点实验室(博士)
工作经历: 2005年8月-2006年3月 中科院大连物化所(博士后)
2006年3月-2008年8月 888集团网址生命科学院(讲师)
2008年9月-至今 888集团网址生命科学院(副教授)
研究成果: 1.Xue-feng Gao, Xu-ri Huang*, Jian-kang Yu, Xi Zhao, Chia-chung Sun. Three-dimensional modeling of squamous cell carcinoma antigen 2 and its interactions with serine protease. Polymer. 2004, 45(11): 3855-3865.
2.Xue-feng Gao, Xu-ri Huang*, Chia-chung Sun. Role of each residue in catalysis in the active site of pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase from Bacillus subtilis: a hybrid QM/MM study. Journal of Structural Biology 2006, 154(1): 20-26.
3.Xue-feng Gao, Xu-ri Huang*, Yan-bo Sun. Flexible docking of squamous cell carcinoma antigen 2 and cathepsin-G. Chemical journal of chinese universities. 2003, 24(10): 1883-1884.
4.Xue-feng Gao, Xu-ri Huang*, Xi Zhao, Chia-chung Sun. 3D moldeling of SARS virus proteinase and study of imaginable peptide inhibitor. Chemical journal of chinese universities. 2003, 24(12): 2271-2281.
5.Xue-feng Gao, Xu-ri Huang*, Yan-bo Sun. Dynamics simulation of rigid body movement of the α and α/β domains of pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase. Chemical journal of chinese universities. 2003, 24(10): 1885-1886.
6.Xue-feng Gao, Xu-ri Huang*, Chia-chung Sun. Modeling of Theree-dimensional Structure of Pyrimidine Nucleoside Phosphorylase from Bacillus Subtilis. Chemical journal of chinese universities. 2002, 23: 398-399.
7.Yan-feng Qi, Xue-feng Gao*, Theoretical Mutation Design of Active Agent of Eryhropoietin and Its Receptor. Chemical journal of chinese universities 29(2008): 2385.
8.Wang Song, Huang Xu-Ri*, Xue-Feng Gao, Zhao Xi, Sun Chia-Chung, Theoretical Studies on SARS Coronavirus 3CL Proteinase and Its Inhibitor. Chemical journal of chinese universities. 2006,27(3): 535-537
9.Qi YF, Gao XF, Wang LP, et al. A new strategy for achieving erythropoietin mimetic peptides. Journal of peptide science. 2006, 12: 151-151
10.Xi Zhao, Wang Song, Xue-feng Gao ,Xu-ri Huang*, Chia-chung Sun, Molecular dynamics simulations investigation of neocarzinostatin chromophore-releasing pathways from the holo-NCS protein. Journal of Structural Biology, 2010, 169, 14-24.
11.Lv ming; Zhao Xi; Shen Xing-gui; Gao Xue-feng*. Molecular dynamics simulations for the β-Sheet Aggregation of Peptides. Chemical journal of chinese universities. 31(2010):1626-1629.
12.Li S, Li ZL, Hu YL, Gao XF*. Chiral Selectivity of Arginase І. Chemical journal of chinese universities. 2011, 32(6): 1339-1342.
13.Shuai Li, Xue-Ri Huang, Ran-dong Shan, Gang Zhao, Ruo-xi Shun, Xue-feng Gao*. Stuby of Interaction between ArginaseⅠand Butylphthalide. Chemical journal of chinese universities. 2012, (accepted).